Monday, June 15, 2020

Explaining The Need To Teach Religion In Our Schools - 550 Words

Explaining The Need To Teach Religion In Our Schools (Essay Sample) Content: Should Students Learn About World Religion in School?Religion is a group of people with similar believes, united together in spirit and believes in the existence of the supreme power which protects them against their enemies. This religion binds people together in worship and following a certain code of conduct different from other people of different religions.When children are growing, they continue to get more knowledge and learn new things about religion. All religions advocate good morals, respect, and peace with one another. Children who have a greater knowledge of the religion tends to live in harmony with other society members.Religion teaching is just like normal formal studies. It is somehow hard to capture and requires a bit of pressure. In most cases, teaching religion at home tends to be hard since most of the parents who are breadwinners of the family are busy trying to make both ends meet thus the time to stay with the kids is limited. There is also the children-parent relationship which entails soft parenting. Kids will take advantage of this relationship and fail to get serious when the matter of religion is being passed to them by their parents.However, things are different at school. School teaching is different from parenting. Kids will be forced to study by the fear of failure and punishment. In most institutions, kids are caned and forced to study. This instills fear in their subconscious minds and thus they become more committed to their work.Teaching religion in school is one of the best practice. Kids will be taught on different topics as they grow. By the time they finish school, they will have known almost everything as far as the religion is concerned....

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